Joe Lewis is a life-long Bay Area resident who attended St. Augustine Elementary School and St. Elizabeth High School in Oakland. He holds a BA Degree from St. Mary’s College in Management and Masters Degree from University of San Francisco in International Multi-Cultural Education.
Joe retired from the U.S. Army Reserves as a Master Sergeant having completed close to 23 years of US military service. He spent 25 years with Pacific Bell in Computer Operations and Human Resources. His current position is Director, Retirement Administration, Office of the President, University of California - responsible for pension administration, retiree health insurance administration and for oversight of customer service for all UC employees and retirees.
Joe and his wife of 41 years live in Hercules where he is actively involved in St. John the Baptist Parish in El Cerrito.He serves as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister and Usher. He currently is in his second tenure on the Pastoral Council. Joe's three sons all graduated from Catholic High Schools within the Oakland Diocese. He now has a grandson attending elementary school in the 6th grade.
A long-time member of the Board, Joe currently serves on the Diocesan School Board as the Chair of the Public Policy Committee. As part of his responsibilities, he is a member of the Parent Advisory Committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. In his continuing support of inner-city education, Joe is a member of the Advisory Committee for Catholic Schools Consortium. He is a 2008 Seton Award winner for his dedication to Catholic Education in the Diocese.